Age-friendly Community Development Grants
The Queensland Government is committed to building age-friendly communities where older people are connected to their community and the people and the services that matter to them.
In 2024 we launched, An Age-friendly Queensland: The Queensland Seniors Strategy 2024-2029, a five-year plan that reflects the views of more than 16,000 older persons from across Queensland and provides a framework to realise this vision.
Local government plays an important role in shaping communities and helps deliver Queensland Government’s priorities locally and regionally.
The Age-friendly Community Development Grant Program aims to build partnerships with local government councils to collaboratively work towards an age-friendly Queensland.
Under the program, grant funding will be available to local government councils, in partnership with community organisations, for initiatives that make their communities more age-friendly and combat ageism, benefitting older people in Queensland.
Programs or projects should support the objectives of the Queensland Government’s Age-friendly Seniors Strategy and Seniors Action Plan and should align with at least one of the World Health Organisation’s eight domains for an age-friendly community.
Applications are now open!
A total of $300,000 is available to local government councils through the Age-friendly Community Development Grant Program.
Eligible local government councils can apply for one-off funding from $25,000 up to $50,000 for projects that will be completed from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026. GST is not payable to local councils.
Queensland councils located in regional, rural and remote areas and councils partnering with local community organisations committed to becoming age-friendly are encouraged to apply.
Applications close—4 April 2025, 5pm AEST
Please note that this timeframe may change at the department’s discretion.
Read the Age-friendly Community Grant Program Guidelines (PDF, 455 KB) | (DOCX, 927 KB)
Start your application
More information
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