Right to information

What is Right to Information?

The Right to Information is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information.

The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to information held by the Government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

Our Right to Information factsheet (PDF, 134 KB) Right to Information factsheet (DOC, 281 KB) will explain our approach to providing the community with greater access to information. Our Information packs for Right to Information (PDF, 432 KB) Information packs for Right to Information (DOC, 530 KB) applications, and our Information pack for Information Privacy (PDF, 399 KB) Information pack for Information Privacy (DOC, 515 KB) applications provide prospective applicants with information about what to expect as we process your application, including timeframes and review rights.

Our department manages Right to Information applications regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships related subject matter for the Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism.

Our department also manages youth justice related Right to Information applications for Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support.

Accessing information

Information about our services and business operations is provided in many of our corporate documents, which are available through our publication scheme. We also make available information already released through RTI in a disclosure log.

Publication scheme - published information

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information which is routinely published by our department. In most cases, this information is available online and can be accessed directly from the publication scheme.

Disclosure log - released Right to Information requests

Our disclosure log provides information of wider public interest that has been released under the Right to Information Act 2009 .

Open data

The Queensland Government's Open Data Revolution aims to make as much government data as possible freely available to the public to support the development of innovative solutions and real improvements to the way government services are delivered. We publish datasets on the Open data portal.

Formal access applications

To access other information, you may need to make a formal application under the Right to Information Act 2009 or the Information Privacy Act 2009 (if it relates to your personal information). We recommend contacting us prior to lodging a formal application.

Applying for information

Where the information you require is not available on our publication scheme or disclosure log, you may make an application under the Right to Information Act 2009. Where the information you require is your own personal information, you may make an application under the Information Privacy Act 2009.

Your application must:

  • be in writing in the approved form
  • provide an address to which a notification of the decision may be sent
  • include payment of the application fee, which can be found at RTI application fees and charges if the information you request is not related to your personal information.

You can apply online using the Queensland Government's online application form.

You may also apply directly to us by downloading and completing the Right to Information and Information Privacy access application form (PDF), and posting it to:

Information Access and Amendment Unit
Corporate Services
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Locked Bag 3405
Brisbane Qld 4001

When applying directly to us, you should also include certified copies of appropriate identification if any of the documents you seek access to contain your personal information.

Administrative release

We make particular information available free of charge through administrative release, including information relating to 'Forde redress' and information about time in care.

Forde Redress files

In May 2007, in response to the recommendations of the Forde Inquiry, the Queensland Government established the $100 million Forde Redress Scheme to acknowledge the abuse or neglect suffered by children placed in Queensland institutions by providing ex-gratia payments to those who were harmed.

If you applied for Forde Redress, you or your authorised representative may apply for administrative access to particular documents held on your Forde Redress file and the Redress database, including:

  • a summary that shows relevant institution names, admission and discharge dates and eligible days in out of home care placements
  • copies of your original application
  • letters confirming the direct credit payment received and level of payment
  • letters specifying the outcome of your application
  • release, discharge and indemnity documents.

Application process

  1. Submit an Application for administrative access to Redress documents (PDF, 141 KB) Application for administrative access to Redress documents (DOC, 163 KB).
  2. Provide evidence of your identity.

Options to prove your identity include:

  • original identity document – driver licence, birth certificate, proof of age card or some other identity document (please ring 1 of the contact numbers below to arrange a time and date to deliver your document/s to 111 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 or to your local department area office)
  • original certified copy of your identity document (certified by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations, lawyer, police officer or health professional)
  • statutory declaration – a signed Statutory Declaration form from someone who has known you for 2 or more years which says that you are the person named as the applicant.

Identity documents relating to the last 2 options can be posted to:

RTI, Privacy, Records Management and Redress
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Locked Bag 3405
Brisbane Qld 4001

Call us on (07) 3097 5605 or freecall 1800 809 078 to discuss other options should you find it difficult to prove your identity using the options above.

You can elect (via the application form) whether to receive materials by secure email, registered post, or collection from a local departmental office.

If you wish to access any other documents that might be contained on your hard copy Forde Redress file, you can make an application under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (see 'Formal access applications' below).

Placement History Summary Statement

Placement history summary statements can be used to show dates and locations of placements of individuals that were in contact with the department.  Our administrative release team has arrangements with the Forde Foundation and Lotus place to provide placement history summary statements to people engaging with them. If you are not engaged with Forde Foundation or Lotus Place, you can apply for a placement history summary statement directly by completing the Application for placement history summary form (PDF, 326 KB) Application for placement history summary form (DOC, 354 KB).

Time in Care Information Access Service (TICIAS)

If you have been in care in Queensland you may want to seek information about your time in care through the Time in Care Information Access Service (TICIAS). The type of information that may be available through TICIAS includes:

  • a Time in Care Report summarising the information we have about your time in care including information about why you came into care, your placement history, information about milestones, education/medical information, details of family members names, other relevant information about your family and your experiences in out of home care.
  • Some documents might also be provided including birth certificates, school reports, medical reports, awards and photographs.

Please note there are circumstances in which information about you and other people may not be able to be included in the Time in Care Report because it is about other people and/or is confidential.

Who is eligible for the service?

You may be eligible for this service if you were a child in care under the Child Protection Act 1999 or Children's Services Act 1965, or if you were a State child under the State Children Act 1911.

If you are a child who is currently in care or transitioning from care you are encouraged to approach your Child Safety Service Centre before applying for this service. Your child safety officer will often be able to provide information without requiring a formal application.

Where can I find more information?

Information about the service can be found in our Information sheet (PDF, 413 KB) Information sheet (DOCX, 415 KB).

If you might be eligible and would like to make an application, please contact us on the contact details below.

Phone: 1800 809 078 (freecall)
Email: rti@dcssds.qld.gov.au

Subpoena and other notices of the court

If a court proceeding is on foot, parties to the proceeding can access documents via subpoena or other orders of the court (for example, notices of non-party disclosure or notices to produce). Discuss the option of accessing documents via subpoena or similar notice with your legal representative and contact the Registry of the relevant court or tribunal to have a notice issued for documents of this department.

The Subpoena: guide for issuing parties  (PDF, 412 KB) Subpoena: guide for issuing parties (DOCX, 369 KB) and Subpoena: guide to child protection documents (PDF, 205 KB) Subpoena: guide to child protection documents (DOCX, 267 KB) provide more information about the department's processes to produce documents to the courts.

For FAMILY LAW COURT matters please contact the Information Release Team:

Postal address:

Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety

Court Services Information Release Team
Locked Bag 3405

Delivery address:        
111 George Street
Email:  FamilylawIRT@dcssds.qld.gov.au

Hotline: (07) 3097 5703

For all other subpoena or alternative orders of the court please contact the subpoena team:

Postal address:
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Subpoena Team
Locked Bag 3405

Delivery address:        
111 George Street
Email:  subpoena@dcssds.qld.gov.au
Hotline: (07) 3097 5603

Amending your personal information

If you believe that your personal information in a document held by the department is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading, you should contact the relevant business area within the department and explain why you believe the information should be amended. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this process, you can make a formal application to have the information amended.

You can only apply to amend your own personal information, and you must have had access to the information which you believe is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading. Not all information can be amended, for example a doctor's expert opinion is unlikely to be amended, even if it was subsequently found to be incorrect. However, if may be possible to include a notation on the file to that effect.

Further information about applying to amend departmental records is available on the Office of the Information Commissioner website.

You can also contact the RTI team to discuss your proposed application.

If you wish to make a formal application to amend your personal information, you can apply online using the Queensland Government's online application form

You can also apply directly to us by downloading and completing the Information Privacy Amendment Application form and posting it to us (see Enquiries and feedback for our contact details).

When applying directly to us, you should include certified copies of appropriate identification.

Enquiries and feedback

If you have any enquiries or feedback regarding Right to Information, subpoenas or administrative release please contact:

Postal address:

RTI, Privacy, Records Management and Redress
Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety
Locked Bag 3405
Brisbane Qld 4001

Freecall: 1800 809 078

Phone: (07) 3097 5605
Fax: (07) 3097 5604
Email: rti@dcssds.qld.gov.au

Some documents on this page are currently only available in PDF format so if you require alternative formats please email rti@dcssds.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3097 5605. All reasonable requests for documents in alternate format will be actioned where possible and at no cost.