Queensland First Children Families board

The Queensland First Children and Families Board (QFCFB) was established to provide independent strategic advice and cultural guidance and oversight for Our Way: A generational strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families 2017–2037 (PDF, 5 MB) and associated actions plans under three phases of implementation: Changing Tracks, Breaking Cycles and Hitting Targets.

Establishment of the QFCFB was a key action within the Changing Tracks 2017–2019 action plan (PDF, 4.9 MB) Changing Tracks 2017–2019 action plan (DOCX, 4.3 MB).

QFCFB members are appointed by the Premier, comprised 11 members—including eight community representatives from across Queensland, the Co-chair of Family Matters Queensland and the Directors-General of the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety and the Department of Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism.

The Co-chairs of the Board are Ms Rachel Atkinson and Mr Kieran Chilcott. Each of the members are prominent leaders from diverse geographical locations across Queensland, who have a vast range of cultural knowledge and expertise in human service delivery.

Terms of Reference

The Board's Terms of Reference (PDF, 493 KB) Terms of Reference (DOCX, 198 KB) has more information regarding the Board including key responsibilities, accountability and reporting. The Terms of Reference will be reviewed on an annual basis .

Board members

Ms Rachel Atkinson – Co-chair, Chief Executive Officer of Palm Island Community Company, Co-chair of Family Matters Queensland and Board Executive of SNAICC – National Voice for our Children.

Mr Kieran Chilcott – Co-chair, Chief Executive Officer of Kalwun Development Corporation Ltd. (Co-chair).

Professor Boni Robertson – Adjunct Professor at Macquarie University.

Ms Nyoka Fetoa'i – Executive Director, Community and Programs, Kambu Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Health.

Dr Clinton Schultz – Registered Psychologist and Assistant Professor at Bond University Medical School.

Mrs Ivy Trevallion – Clinical Counsellor, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program, Family Support Program, Primary Health Care Services, Queensland Health.

Mr Dion Tatow – Deputy Chairperson, Black Community Housing Service – Brisbane, Member of Queensland Museum Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Consultative Committee and Member of gar'ban'djee'lum network.

Mr David Baird – Director at Gurriny Yealamucka Health Service Aboriginal Corporation and Councillor at Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council.

Ex-Officio Standing member

Michael Currie, Co-chair, Family Matters Queensland.

Deidre Mulkerin, Director-General, Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

Clare O'Connor, Director-General, Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts.


The Board meets four times per year with a communique of the Board's deliberations and outcomes published after each meeting:







Reporting so far

Each year, an Annual Progress Report is released by the Queensland First Children and Families Board. These progress reports highlight how key actions are being implemented as we work towards the long-term Our Way vision: ul>