Acronyms - positive behaviour support
AQEP | Appropriately qualified or experienced person |
AS&RS | Accommodation support and respite service |
CAS | Community access service |
CE | Chief Executive of Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety |
CE Health | Chief Executive of Queensland Health |
CHAP | Comprehensive health assessment program |
CS | Community Services |
CVP | Community visitor program |
DG | Director-General |
DSA (the Act) | Disability Services Act 2006 |
DSC | Disability Seniors and Carers |
GAA | Guardianship and Administration Act 2000 |
GP | General practitioner |
LGDW | Locked gates, doors and windows |
MDA | Multi-disciplinary assessment |
MHA | Mental Health Act 2000 |
NDA | National Disability Agreement |
NDIA | National Disability Insurance Agency |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme |
NMDS | National minimum data set |
OPG | Office of the Public Guardian |
PBS & RP | Positive Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practice |
PBSP/ PBS Plan | Positive behaviour support plan |
PC | Principal Clinician |
PG | Public Guardian |
PRN | Pro re nata medication (medication given as and when needed) |
QCAT | Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal |
RDM | Relevant decision maker |
RP | Restrictive practice/s |
RSP | Relevant service provider |